by Tara May | Oct 8, 2019
We have been busy reading all about pumpkins and acting out the life cycle of a pumpkin. We even marble painted some pumpkins to add to our classroom door.
by Tara May | Oct 2, 2019
Yes we can! Today we worked in pairs or trios and used mini erasers to show equal groups up to 5. You can practice this concept at home with coins, small toys, buttons, or snacks.
by Tara May | Oct 1, 2019
We are! We read about a new character today. His name is Bruce and he’s a grumpy bear. We also learned about how bears get ready to hibernate in a Let’s Find Out Scholastic magazine. Last week, we read and then acted out We’re Going on a Bear Hunt....
by Tara May | Sep 30, 2019
We are! We learned that we read nonfiction books to learn facts. We learned that nonfiction books have real photographs. The next time you visit the library, be sure to visit the nonfiction section and take out a book about something that your child would like to...
by Tara May | Sep 13, 2019
Looks who’s in the kindergarten room! We have been busy reading lots of alphabet books this week. We are practicing identifying all the letters in our names! After reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, we made coconut trees, counted the letters in our names, and...