The month of April is full of birds, butterflies, rain and flowers to name a few of our April themes.
Some highlights of the month are…..
*spring crafts
*experiments such as making rain fall from a shaving cream cloud, making white flowers turn colors from food coloring, and planting seeds which will grow in our greenhouse.
*we are finishing our Religion program for the school year. We will then begin a character development program
*the children are working on the letters M,N,O and P this month
*In Science Lab the children are working with Magnets
*we are learning how to read rebus stories
*the children have transitioned from using fat crayons to skinny crayons and using Kindergarten pencils to enhance their fine motor skills
*in computer class this month the children are learning about using their mouse and highlighting the seasons and weather through various games.
*in gym class the children are learning how to use a parachute
*we are currently preparing for our annual Mother’s Day Tea Program and making our mom’s their gifts